Coaching & Fun-Filled Adventures On The Field
Soccer Club | 3 - 11 Years | Serving Chikusa-Ku, Nagoya
An Engaging Soccer Program For Kids Ages 3-7!
Soccer Fosters Teamwork, Communication & Cooperation
Pack Your Soccer Ball, Water Bottle, And
Running Shoes In A School Backpack For Action-Packed Fun And Rooftop Matches At The Arena!
Playing Soccer Helps Boost Their Confidence
Small Program Ratios Allow For Personalized Attention
Once We Have At Least 5 Students Enrolled, A Bus Takes Your Child To & From Soccer For Your Convenience!
- Restrictions May Apply — Contact Us For More Information.
Team Sports Build A Cultural Appreciation
Hear What Parents Have To Say...
This is an awesome school!!! The teachers are very professional and the school is opened to the local community. Their monthly library is a great opportunity to know how good they are. Both my son and I are so happy to know this school is near us 🙂
- Miwa Murata
The activities are so diverses that he s learning an impressive things from bugs to emotions, computers, sciences, or daily life! Thanks for creating and managing such an amazing pre school!
- Gwenaelle Gallea
All the teachers were warm and welcoming but as a mum I especially appreciated the lesson planning, money well spent! I recommend Playpourri and Rowena to foreigners and Japanese alike. Second to none, thank you so much Rowena and team for making our time there so wonderful. The kids and I keep track through f/b, love the fun food snacks.
- Vanessa Brown