Child Care Tax Credits, Government Programs, & In-House Discounts
Can You Lower
Tuition Costs?
Child Care Tax Credits, Government
Programs, & In-House Discounts

Preschool & Child Care Center Serving Chikusa-Ku, Nagoya

Your Family Deserves Assistance With Tuition

Child care is one of your biggest priorities, and you work hard to make sure your child is getting the very best start. There are resources available to help you offset the cost of care, and we’ve made it easy to learn about them.
Your Family Deserves Assistance With Tuition


A tax credit is even more valuable to families than a tax deduction! It’s a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the taxes you owe. Some credits are refundable—reducing taxes otherwise owed to zero and paying a refund.  

Foreign Worker Tax Benefits: 

For non-citizens living and working in Japan, child care tax credits may be available on the income tax you pay to your home country. Ask your accountant or your employer for more information. 

Japanese Tax Benefits: 

Everyone who works in Japan, regardless of whether they are citizens, permanent, or non-permanent residents, must pay income tax. While a tax deduction for children under 16 was removed in 2011, you may be eligible for other benefits or deductions based on the size of your household. Ask your accountant to help you identify your benefits. 

As customers of a privately operated, city-registered care centre (Ninkagai Hoikushisetsu), parents can apply to their local government office or welfare centre for reimbursement. Conditions apply, but families could be eligible to receive up to ¥42,000 for children ages 0-2 and ¥37,000 for children ages 3-5.

More and more employers add child care benefits to their employee compensation packages because it’s hard to do your job without reliable child care! 

Talk with your employer or your HR department about whether they offer child care benefits and how to use them. 

If your family joins us for the first time, raves about us to friends and family, you could receive benefits. Ask us for more details about any of these rewards:

Referral Reward 

Recommend us to a friend, and when they enroll full-time, you could be eligible for a tuition credit of ¥5000 for every new family that joins us. There’s no limit on referrals, and the new family receives a tuition credit, too! 

Ask us about our 20th-Anniversary Reward — only available in 2024!

If you don’t see answers to your questions about making child care costs easier, email us for more information! We’re happy to help you find options for offsetting your tuition.

How Old Is Your Child?


Infant / Toddler



Preschool / Kinder

3 - 5 YEARS



5 - 7 YEARS


Afternoon Activities

3 - 11 YEARS

Summer School

PPI Members - All Ages / Non PPI Members 3 Years+